Thursday, August 17, 2006

bees and butterfly


David (Snappy) said...

Beautiful pics.So close up you can see the eye of the Bee.I have not got a butterfly yet, they are too flighty.

Lowa said...


How did you DO THAT!?!?!?

Granny said...

You are amazing.

peppylady (Dora) said...

what detail your picture has. What kind of camera are you using?

Wildside Musing said...

I know this isn't an original comment, but WOW, Claire! Those are incredible photos... Thank you for sharing!

Sigruns German Garden said...

Claire, the photos are wonderful, full of live. Have you a new camera?


clairesgarden said...

Snappy, I persevered and stalked the butterfly!
Lowa, its a close up setting on the lens and these are the best out of the loads and loads I took.
Granny, thankyou, not as amazing as you!!
Peppylady, I am using a Cannon Powershot S2IS and these pictures are all taken on macro setting.
Wildside, you are very welcome,
Sigrun, thankyou, I bought this camera in February, I particularly like its close-up ability.

patsy said...

great photos. busy bee soon honey will be in the hive.

Kerri said...

Claire, you did wonderfully with the macro in these shots. My camera is a Powershot S410 and I too love the macro capability. All in all it's a great little camera! I'm totally amazed at the butterfly. Do you know what kind it is?
I don't recognize that flower either. Geum maybe?
Such detail in the bee!
I love your kitty shots below too. That's a big dollhouse!

Madcap said...

Wow! You've taken my breath away with those close-ups! I'm getting that terrible camera-envy again...

Simon.S said...

Claire - cracking photos....... where did I put that camera ?

clairesgarden said...

Patsy, I have a friend who keeps bees, she is the one who persuaded me to let some of the weeds grow in the garden and the bees do like it.
Kerri, the butterfly is a Peacock and its on a white buddlea.
Madcapmum, thankyou but now I am concerned , you have to breath deeply and calmly and notnear anything you are allergic too!!
Methuselah, get you camera out! your photos are great!!

Crunchy Carpets said...

Those are the most AMAZING photos!!!

Oh man.....I was just showing my kids!

oh and thanks for the link!

Appreciate it and touched!

Keep up the gardening and amazing photos...they always soothe my tormented soul!!!

mouse said...

Wow love these pictures, the butterfly is beautiful.

Lisa said...

Great photos! How do you get such clear close-ups?

clairesgarden said...

Crunchy Carpets, thankyou and you are very welcome.
Mouse, thanks for visiting, like you ACLU post, I might send them one too!
Lisa, I am using a canon C2 1S and it has a 'macro' setting for close ups, I also sometimes trim the photgraph to get it more central and please remember I take about 50 pictures and only post a couple of good ones, I am not that brilliant I can get it in one go, thank goodness for digital cameras!!